26 April 2016

Schlagzeilen des VALOR ECONÔMICO - internationale Ausgabe


Shareholders may buy Belo Monte electricity to unlock loan

Hydroelectric dam needs to have buyer for 20% of its output allocated to free market in order to get last tranche of BNDES financing
Temer tends to choose Meirelles for Ministry of FinancePOLITICS

Temer tends to choose Meirelles for Ministry of Finance

If vice president replaces Dilma Rousseff, he will shrink cabinet and use posts at state-run banks and companies as bargaining chips
Former central banker is market favorite to lead FinanceECONOMY

Former central banker is market favorite to lead Finance

Profile of Henrique Meirelles would have an advantage over Senator José Serra, who is considered too developmentalist

Vice president's social agenda follows PSDB proposals

Document commissioned by Michel Temer for a potential government mentions management improvements and public-private sector partnerships

Rousseff gets ready for temporary removal from office

President met Lula to prepare defense strategy against impeachment and considers calling new elections if victorious


Antonio Delfim Netto
Antonio Delfim Netto

Governance, please

Leniency with government spending and short-sightedness are in the DNA of the misinformed and opportunistic populism
Angela Bittencourt

Temer is tested as impeachment advances

Vice President faces the challenge of improving economy in case Dilma Rousseff is impeached
Claudia Safatle

Temer’s priority is political support

Before having the economic team ready and a fiscal program, Vice President is engaged in building a support base for the PMDB


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